


IFM-2 油液金屬磨粒傳感器是一款特別為在線檢測設備磨損的智能化傳感器,其特有的微磁感應 測量技術對油品鐵磁性磨損顆粒的變化極其敏感,能夠實時連續(xù)準確的在線監(jiān)測油品中的磨粒的 含量和溫度情況,產(chǎn)品采用最新科研技術,運用全新電路設計和模型算法,充分考慮在線監(jiān)測過 程中油液粘滯性、流量對磨粒吸附的阻力等對監(jiān)測的影響,采用非接觸式檢測方式,無需磁力吸 附只要油液中有磨損顆粒通過,傳感器就可運用敏感的感測機構檢測到顆粒的含量,經(jīng)過后端的 數(shù)字電路經(jīng)過轉化后及時輸出,最大可能的及時對設備故障進行預警,保障我們設備安全穩(wěn)定的 運行。



Ifm-2 oil metal abrasive sensor is an intelligent sensor specially designed for wear detection of online equipment, with its unique mi- cro magnetic induction The measurement technology is very sensitive to the change of ferromagnetic wear particles in oil produ- cts and can continuously and accurately monitor the wear particles in oil products onlineContent and temperature conditions, p- roducts using the latest scientific research technology, the use of new circuit design and model algorithm, fully consider online mo- nitoring In the process of oil viscosity, flow resistance to abrasive particle adsorption on the impact of monitoring non-contact det- ection method, no magnetic suction As long as there are wear particles in the oil, the sensor can use a sensitive sensing mechanis- m to detect the content of particles, after the back end Digital circuit after conversion, timely output, the maximum possible timel- y warning of equipment failure, to ensure the safety and stability of our equipmentRun.

尺寸及安裝/Dimensions and installation

數(shù)據(jù)傳輸方式/Data transmission mode

適用條件/Working Condition

最高油溫 油路壓力 油路流速 工作環(huán)境溫度 最高海拔 最大振動 最高濕度
+85℃ 0-3Mpa ≤1m/s -20℃-85℃ 5000m 2G 96%


型號選擇 磨損顆粒 磨損指數(shù) 溫度 監(jiān)測指標
IFM-2 0-100% 1-10000ppm -40~+120℃ 大小顆粒、磨損指數(shù)、溫度
分辨率 0.1% 1ppm ±0.1℃ 或 ±3%



電氣性能/Electrical properties

通訊接口 數(shù)據(jù)傳輸 功率 電壓 重量 外殼材質 電纜長度 防護等級
6芯航插 RS485/232 ≤2W DC 9V~36V 300G 316L 1.5m IP65
